Our latest news

Better call Bobbi!

About to purchase your PIXIO/PIXEM and want to talk to a real user before placing the order? Meet Bobbi (USA)!

24 Feb 2022 — 2 minutes read more
5 reasons why remote coaching is a game-changer on your riding journey (for both riders and coaches!)

5 reasons why remote coaching is a game-changer on your riding journey (for both riders and coaches!)

10 Feb 2022 — 3 minutes read more
Priscilla’s husband setting up the PIXEM
Priscilla, rider and PIXEM user, live streams her wedding day using her auto-follow robot

When we tell you that PIXEM can help on a daily basis, we mean it...

8 Feb 2022 — 2 minutes read more
MOVE 'N SEE speaks at the USEF annual meeting in Florida in early January

MOVE 'N SEE increases its international development and participate in the USEF annual meeting.

13 Jan 2020 — 1 minute read more